Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day Four/Mini Daycation Planned

So it is now day four of our in-cycle IVF treatments. Gonal-f each night and yesterday and tonight Menopur. Hubby has been amazing with these injections. I am such a needle wimp, so giving them to myself is just not possible. I compare it to trying to wax your own bikini, you put the wax on no problem, rub the fabric to cool the wax but when the time comes to rip the fabric off, you cannot do it! I would be there attempting to stab myself with the needle for an hour before I did it and I would probably fail. I will say that the Menopur burned going in, nothing too crazy but I did not expect to feel the liquid going in. Hormones are not going crazy! This is very exciting because I was afraid I would end up all psycho bitch. So don't have time or the patience to deal with that so I hope that none of the other medications we have lined up for this affect my hormones. I am back to being a in cushion, but this time I don't mind it. The nurses have not bruised me taking blood ((yet)). But this time it is like for something instead of just the prep work, so that makes me excited.

I feel like I am so alone sometimes with this but then I slap myself and know that I am not. Besides my amazing Hubby, my family and close friends there are so many other women and men going through fertility treatments to have the family they have always wanted. I am brought down from my for lack of a better term - pity party - when I see the waiting room filled with both men and women this past Saturday at my blood/ultrasound appointment. So many others are TTC, and they aren't alone.

So Hubby and I are due for a little fun-daycation! So we are planning on going into the City this Sunday ((Father's Day)) and being a little touristy. Duck boats, walking the public gardens and just enjoying all that the city has to offer on foot following up with dinner in the North End. I hope it is super romantic and amazing. We need it. I need it.

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